Violet Medicine
Sharing the medicine and folklore of violet. Her Subtle energy that works in us in powerful ways. She is spring fairy that clears the inner waters and softens one into their own inner guidance.
What does it look like for you to fully surrender into presence? To let go of control and instead be guided by the forces that move us. This is an innately feminine energetic that allows the unfolding to happen in its right timing, moving within a deep sense of trust. Expanding into greater potential. Honouring the thread that moves us into each new moment of truth.
Violet medicine works with these energetics. Teaching us to soften into these spaces that have become hard over time. Her offerings teach of movement and trust. Revealing the importance of allowing, so that one may be guided fully into their truth, rather than getting lost in expectations. She supports us in dissolving illusions, dismantling preconceptions, and unravelling what we think things should be. And moving deeper into our heart space. She is the divine feminine archetype of the maiden, that longs to flow freely, holding an affinity for the lymphatic system that flows through our body, taking with it toxins that aren’t supporting vitality. Strengthening our immunity to the tribulations of our external world. Her moistening nature brings juiciness back into the places that have grown hard and dry. Bringing in her energy that crumbles away stagnation and breaks open the portal for energy to flow as it is meant to.
She makes herself known in the early spring as her vibrant purple flowers are one of the first to blossom out of the earth. She remains close to the soil, grounding, low. She does not go out, but invites those who seek her medicine in. She is humble in this way, quiet, subtle. Only those who bow down to the feet of the earth get to witness and receive her gifts. Her light-hearted spirit brings renewal as the spring awakens a once sleeping earth. Her flowers remind us of what is to come. This is only the beginning of the full potential of our growth. Her early blossoms offer cleansing after the heaviness of winter. Now the spring is here, the sun is reborn, and we too are on the rise. She is that which cleanses and clears, as the spring. And that which brings the fresh breeze of inspiration and creativity that awakens in the soul. Her vibrant purple flowers speak of a journey moved through spirit. Activating the jewel that vibrates right at the top of our heads. Touching upon the subtle waters that move through us, and all things. She dives deep into these waters, and touches something eternal in us.
She is an embodiment of the element of water. The flowing intelligence from which all life came. Her energy mirrors the aspects of water that are soft, gentle, kind. Those parts that are deeply healing in an elusive way. In some ways also shy. Reclusive. Comfortable being undetected by others. She brings those in need to her field of awareness. She has an energy that draws in. It is this sureness that allows her to grow low, quiet, yet confident in her vibrancy.
She is the teacher that shows us how we may live within our authentic expressions. As she works to break down blocks. One may work with her to break apart cysts or fibroids. As well as emotions that have hardened over time. Things that have grown stuck. Her medicine may be supportive within the womb space as well as hardness along the breasts. Inviting in suppleness where there once was rigidity. Her affinity for the chest makes her a powerful support for breast and lung health. Massaging oil infused with violet upon these places encourages the vital flow of lymph fluid - Violets specialty - as these centres of the body hold important chambers for these nodes. As well as softening and opening into these areas. Offering love and devotion to tender spaces that are longing for sensual touch. Anointing the womb space may also support one through cramps that come up before or during bleeding times, as her cooling actions help to release excess heat that has built up in this space as a result of holding on to things that need to be let go of. Her cooling actions invigorate an overheated body. Relax tension. Ease agitation. She supports us here in cultivating a self-love practice that brings us into deeper communion with our bodies through massage and touch.
She energetically works in allowing one to release and expand. Aligning one with their truth. She is lung and chest medicine, deepening into our breath, opening into our hearts that unblock stuck emotions. Here we take a loong, deeeep, breath of release. All is well. In this way, she may be particularly supportive for integrating and processing heavy emotions like grief and loss. Calling in her support during these times of heavy emotional release may support them in moving through and out like the flow of a meandering river.
Violet offers a gently opening container for one to feel what asks to be felt, and be held within that space. Reminding one to slow down. Breath. Be still. Notice all that goes on around you. She is our guide into the subtleties that weave through creation. The details in the threads. The colours in the wind. With her one may relish in the simple pleasures of existence. Violet is also an ally during times of change and transitions, her flowing nature reminds us to trust in this ever-flowing current of life that always leads us where we are needed. Surrendering into the mysteries. Even finding bliss within them. A sense of ease within the unknown.
She waters all that is parched. One may work with her to support in the inner vocations that release what is no longer needed. Inviting in the help of the inner waters to move along all that has remained stuck, and allowing it safe passage out of the body. May there be gratitude offered for all that it has taught you, and allow it to go with ease. Her medicine also may support one within their devotional practices that are focused on the inner temple. Nurturing a self-love practice where we take time to truly feel ourselves, touch our most intimate places and allow ourselves to feel and witness all that lives there. So that we may see a deeper clarity of where our truth is guiding us. She offers one support as they navigate unknown terrain. Following a path unpaved before. All that makes us unique. She encourages one to mark their own path. The more we are authentic with ourselves the more our people find their way to us. There is no force needed in the unfolding. She is the gentle guidance that encourages one on their journey. With ease and trust, we flow.
This IS so Beautiful Sister 🤍